Tuesday, November 11, 2014

One of my favorites by pastor Joel! (:

Listen to the devotional about Remind God What He Said http://media.lakewood.org.edgesuite.net/JOM/podcast/mp3_audio/504r-Audio-Podcast.mp3 #Bible http://mydailybible.org/s.php?t=1&h=Remind+God+What+He+Said+%28Devotional+Podcast%29+&l=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.lakewood.org.edgesuite.net%2FJOM%2Fpodcast%2Fmp3_audio%2F504r-Audio-Podcast.mp3

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday is motherly duty day..............

But, it is a bit more motherly than the rest of the week for me.  Sunday entails the day in my household to wash clothes, go to the grocery store,  finish any schoolwork left undone , and perhaps cook a nice Sunday dinner.  I have to admit though that since I have been pregnant, Sunday meals do not require me slaving over the stove, or being in the kitchen a long time.  I do easy meals because I do not want to stand for long periods of time in the kitchen.

Going to the grocery store is another feat for me because it tends to take up much more time than I like.  Then when I get inside, I tend to spend more money than I expected, which I do not like doing, but I thank God that there is money there to do just that because there have been times before when that was not an option. 

Most of the time my schoolwork is done by Saturday, and Sunday can be used as a relax day away from schoolwork, but if I need to utilize Sunday for such things, I will.  

Now can anyone else relate to not liking to go to the grocery store?

Also, I will be six and a half months tomorrow.  Yay, we are moving right along.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm also a non- traditional student..............

OK, so being out of school for so long before I actually went back was not a challenge for me in the beginning. I entered college for the first time in my life at 2009, and being a non - traditional student meant it would take me four years versus two years because of my work schedule. I didn't mind it at all because I was much more focused than I had ever been in my life as it pertained to schooling.

 With God's grace of course did I complete my journey in 2013 with an associates degree in English, and I never stopped after that. There was no hiatus for me as I knew that I needed to make it happen since I didn't go to school in my teens and twenties. Not that I am concerned about not getting any younger because whatever God has for you/me,  it'll be yours/mine at ANY AGE,  but I'm just not about the life of taking my time.  I want to "get er' done", and I have to complete this mission no matter what.

I have known since I was twelve years old that one of my reasons for being on this earth is to be a writer, and I'm glad I know what it is that I want to do with that.  It is my dream to write, direct, and produce movies,  and I do see this as being a reality for me,  not just a dream.

It has not been easy going to school part time,  working full time,  and raising my son and dealing with his schoolwork as well, and keeping him on the straight and narrow, but God has helped me accomplish this all. I have been in school non-stop since 2009, with the exception of this past summer, as I had just found out that I was pregnant, and I was soooooooooo tired that all I did was come home from work and go to bed, but I'm back at it!

Looking forward to this bachelors degree in 2017!

Yayyyyyyy me and to alllllllllll of the other non-traditional students persevering just as I am,  DON'T STOP,  DON'T QUIT, YOU CAN DO IT!

Saturday, September 20, 2014


So do any of you have a feel good song?  One that no matter what is going on,  you stop to sing to it?  Well I do, and have had many in my lifetime,  but here recently,  it's the song Latch by the group Disclosure. I first heard this song last year while watching one of my favorite shows,  So You Think You Can Dance. It was being played during the round where they had to dance for their lives,  and then it was played during one of the live performances. I instantly loved the beat when I heard it the first time, and was glad that they played it during one of the competition dances so that I could make a note of who sang it.

Well I have a video for you just in case you want to check it out. Tell me what you think, and also tell me your "feel good song" if you have one.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Monday is the official start of Fall!

Fall is my favorite season of  the year!  The weather is a lot cooler, the browns, golds, and oranges brighten our lives, and it's time to pull out that nice denim jacket for the evenings.  (:  Apple Cider, Hot chocolate, and sweet potato pie fill the house with its smell good aromas lingering us on to cuddle and feel good about the space that we are in.  I pray that everyone gets to feel that nice feeling of being loved this season, and to reap in the benefits of sharing that love elsewhere!!!

Have a very pleasant season folks! <3


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Well lookie lookie......... Guess who's up at 4:25 a.m, but needs 2 be asleep?????

Yes,  this mother right here. Being pregnant this time around has made me think about if I had these bathroom breaks when I was pregnant with my son alllllllllll those years ago. I surely don't remember getting up so much. It's like,  you know,  these babies don't care that you have to get up to go to work in two and a half hours, or the fact that my son, who is in the Raiders division of JrROTC, is team Captain,  and gets up at five a.m to get to school by 6:30 to start training, and though he has his own alarm clock,  he wakes me up at 6:15 a.m to take him to school. No,  this baby just wakes me up I guess because he's tired of laying on my full bladder.  Lolololol.

So we have made it to six months pregnant as of yesterday. Yayyyyyyy! We are well on our way. Only four more months to go now,  but who's counting?  O_o

 Well this mother will try to get some rest now. Wish me luck in all of this broken sleep pattern that has been developed over the past three months.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ok, so here I am, ready to write, and my mind just went blank!!!!! O_o.

Hellllllloooooooo everyone!!! Good morning, good morning, good morning!!!   It is a beautiful day to be up and at em'.  (:

 A mother's job is never done right?  Right.  So I ask my son, who's 15, to do dishes.  Why did it take him much longer than it should have to get the dishes done?  I do not remember being a kid and it taking so long to get dishes or anything for that matter done.  Maybe it had to do with I am the oldest, and I got the job done because it was dependent upon me to keep the show going,  keep my younger brother and sister in check, and be a provider so to speak until our mom got home from work.  Plus, I knew that if my mom needed to cook, I needed to get the dishes out of the sink.

This orange juice that I am drinking is good.  Funny thing is, I never was into orange juice until I became pregnant.  Another thing that I was never into were beans before this pregnancy; And I am talking black beans.  I had a craving for some beans a few weeks back, and I went to Willy's to satisfy that craving.  Something I would NEVER have been done prior to this pregnancy.

So any-who, while I plan to just relax today, I feel the need to do something.  Like lay back down after I write this, wake up, and perhaps look online to see if there is anything that I need to buy.  I am a serious online shopper, and I love the fact that some stores offer same day pickup in case I need something right away.

I am a makeup artist on the side, and I am constantly looking at new eye-shadows to purchase. As if I need anymore.  I have at least two of the same colors, but in my eyes, they all go on a little differently each time I put them on.  (smile)

On last Friday, I went to go and see the movie, No Good DeedFAIL in my opinion,  and this is why I hardly ever go to the movies to watch them.  The previews were much better than the movie itself, AND it was rather short.  The run time seemed only an hr and fifteen minutes/twenty minutes max.  I could have seriously waited on No Good Deed to come on cable next January or February.  A great main starring actress and actor means nothing if the movie itself is not that good.

 Here is the trailer.........